明日からフィリピンは4連休です 9月から始ま...

バギオ留学 CNS2語学学校| The first day and my impression about Baguio
 著者 : 金光礼絵
ヒット数 : 520  
Hey, everyone, thank you for checking out this page!!!
I just started studying IELTS in CNS2 this week.
Therefore I'm not so familiar with this school yet...
So I'll try to mention about my first week and impression about Baguio compared with Cebu where I visited in 2014.



Firstly, let me tell you about the process who to get to this academy at the first day.
Those who will enter CNS2 have to use Manila airport because there're no airports in Baguio.
Then, you can use pick-up service of CNS, if you choose the specific week which the service provided.
In my case, since I chose the fixed week for my entrance, it was easy to arrive Baguio from Manila.
The service is usually provided twice a month. If you select other weeks, however, you have to go by yourself.
Although the procedure will be taught from mangers of Philja before the departure from Japan, it seems complicated for me.. So if you don't have confidence to travel by bus, you might as well choose the fixed day!!
Actually my arrival time at the airport was so earlier from the waiting time by 6 hours, i had to wait there such long time..
Honest be told, I was anxious about it..as far as I knew, it is dangerous for foreigners to be alone in the Philippines..But it was just my unnecessary concern!!! Inside of the airport, there's nearly as safe as other countries!!! So don't worry even if you have to face the same situation with me~but here's caution!! There're no places where we can buy something eat, such as convenient stores!! Then in case you get hungry or something, you had better bring something eat and you can kill time☆
When it comes to the pick-up service, a male students manager might be in charge of it!! In my case, he was Korean.
Here, what you have to be careful is the meeting point!!! actually I made a mistake about it and made him wait..Its hard to explain here where students have to wait..So you should make sure about it while you are in Japan by asking the staff of Philja!!After I could met him finally, I had to wait other students at the pick-up bus. I don't remember how long i waited exactly, but it wasn't that short..But it doesnt matter i guess because we can just sleep on the bus!! or if you want to do something, you can do whatever you want!!!
Then after every student was picked up, the bus would depart for Baguio~

But actually it was pretty cold on the bus due to the harsh air-conditioner...
So you should bring some long clothing from Japan even just for the day!!!
Frankly speaking, I couldn't sleep well and even caught a cold due to the coldness...
Therefore you might as well pay attention about my caution!!haha
In approximately 6 hours, you will arrive at CNS2!! Just the student manager will let you know about it, so you don't need to worry about when you will arrive and where you must get off. 
Then another student manager will welcome new students and guide you a little bit
Hoever its so early when you arrive there. So the guide might be just a couple of minutes and a detailed guide will be done after 5 hours. until then, you can do whatever you want!! yet...new students usually just fall asleep haha due to shallow sleep on the bus..

Secondly, I'll tell you about my impression about Baguio compared with Cebu.
They're totally different one another!!! 
Obviously in Baguio, it is much more suitable to stay and study in terms of climate!!!
As the local people say, the weather in Baguio is the best in the Philippines!!




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フィリピンセンター:Paseo Euralia, Maria Luisa Road, Cebu City.Cebu / TEL:+63 916-338-9084
オーストラリア : 55-65 Poolwood Rd Kewarra Beach QLD 4879 Australia / TEL: 61-7-4038-2528
日本センター:京都府福知山市字天田596-4 / TEL:0120-973-356(日本国内から)/+81 50-5433-7859(日本国外から)